Business & Legal


Business inquiries or DMCA takedown requests can be directed to the current group email, ugs.official.business@gmail.com,
to the current leader's email nakatsu.wrecker@gmail.com,
or to a respective member that you wish to contact
(emails are available on some members' pages and will soon be available on all).
All official UG$ emails will be listed on this site.
Any emails claiming to be any of us or the group itself, that are not listed on this domain, are fake.
If you are interested in our development section, click here.

Privacy Policy

Remember: We will never collect any of your personal information or track you. We do not have any reason to do so.
This site is running on GitHub Pages, however, which may be tracking you. The ULTIMATE GANG$TARZ are not associated with GitHub or the people who own it, and do not take any responsibility for anything they may do.

Cookie Notice

This site uses cookies for the forum section, to keep you logged into your forum account. Cookies are also used to save the theme you have selected. By using this website, you consent to the usage of cookies.

Image of white kanji in calligraphy font that translates to Ultimate Gangsters

© 2024 ULTIMATE GANG$TARZ. All rights reserved.